Introducing Yavar

Who are you?

I am Yavar which means the helper in Farsi! 31 years young and a technology geek, I am into everything that will help human lives get easier through automating stuff (sometime it gets weirdly complicated though). Why is that you may ask? Well I guess it is because I always liked understanding how complicated systems work and the will to simplify them! I enjoy teaching, that’s why for the past 3 years I’ve been teaching network engineering classes. I was introduced to computers by my uncle who was a computer engineer himself in the 90s, after that I started to experience different things. First I really wanted to become a programmer like my uncle but after high school I found that my passion was network engineering and security. So I started to study on my own and soon I landed in my first job as a network/security engineer. This decision took me many places and I got to experience living in different cities inside and out side of my country and working with different teams and projects. I loved it so much that I could not stop studying, so I would easily go through any interesting book or video that I found online or offline. Long story short gradually I joined the open-source communities and found my real dream which was to automate everything that was made possible through DevOps.

What would you like people to know about you?

In my early teenage years I really got into electronics and robotics, a bunch of my classmate friends and I formed a group and started to work on different subjects, and we studied and worked a lot on many things from an electric car to a photographer drone for agriculture uses. I should admit it was really fun and I learned a lot, especially how to be a team-player and self-instructed engineer. These days, although there are some flashbacks to robotics and stuff, I enjoy my time working on computers and automating different things through programming/scripting, for sure there is still a lot to learn, but I could say I know my shit and I am good at it. Oh and did I mentioned about reading books? I am a book worm and you may find me drowned in my thoughts after reading a book. of course as a DevOps engineer I enjoy technical text as much as a good novel (I am into LOTR by the way).
I am an outdoors type of guy and enjoy being in nature and watching the wild life (insects, birds, etc.) I should mention that I really enjoy planting and gardening. My wife and I recently moved to the Netherlands, well The Hague to be more specific and yet in shock by the weather!

Do you have a life motto? what is it?

Yeah! actually there are two:
1 – Life is too short to remove USB safely
2 – When life gives you lemons, make a crude electrochemical battery!

How are you surviving in this corona- time?

Uh it is hard I must say, as an extrovert it was really hard losing lots of human contact that I used to have, but I guess we all are the man of adopting to new conditions. Besides that it was really productive and fun especially with the remote working because I had more time to watch the series/movies that my wife and I always wanted to watch.

Do you have interesting hobbies?

As I said I enjoy nature, so mountain climbing, hiking and biking are favorite activities of mine. I also am a good cook (no complaints yet at least). I like video games but I am against console and prefer a PC for that purpose.

Any bloopers in the past you would like to share?

Which one do you want to hear!? There was this time that I was living on my own and it was the first time that I started to cook, so i got home back from the office and I was hungry and exhausted at the same time. I decided to cook some veggies for diner so I got them prepared and tossed them in to the pan. Then I decided to just take a five minutes nap and I think you guessed it! I woke up to this white cloud that covered the whole living room, and oh my god the smell! But come on we all learn from our mistakes.

With what it problem should the person who read this, contact you immediately, as you cannot wait to solve it?

I would say any! remember? I am the helper. If it is in my area of knowledge I would find a way to help. If it is not, I’d be glad to at least refer you to someone or some place who can help you with the problem.

Tell us any (weird) fun fact about you?

Haha fun fact about me! Since I am an handyman I like to repair any broken thing in our house (sometimes even relatives and friends) but the thing is, if you give me a hairdryer to repair I’ll fix it and give it back plus some screws that I don’t know where they belong (somewhere in the hairdryer I guess!). My theory is that the manufacturers are using screws too much!

Why do you (want to) work for Techspire?

Well the first thing to mention is the variety of projects, teams and technologies I get to work with. The team structure is very flat and my colleagues are friendly which added to the clear atmosphere makes it a great choice for those who want to learn and grow and help others to do so.
